My hope is that the initial question in this series was thought provoking. If so, you should enjoy the continued questioning of the next two Cornerstone Moments. If you did not find the first question stirring, perhaps this one will get you moving in that direction.

In the previous blog we explored the question: ‘Are You Willing to Go All In?’, and this week will give some thought to the often difficult question ‘Are You Willing to Dig the Ditches?’

Question number two: ‘Are you Willing to Dig the Ditches?’

Digging ditches, for those of us who have done it, can be a boring, hot and sweaty, blister creating job.  Depending on the condition of the ground, weather and the attitude of the digger, it can be just plain menial and uninspiring. Many ditches are dug in obscure, low traffic locations. They may be in the back yard or the backcountry, but not in plain sight.  So who will notice the hard work being done with the shovel in hand?

Though often uninspiring work, the figurative digging of ditches in work and life is absolutely necessary if we intend to move our needles from 0 to 60. So, are you going to hire someone to dig your ditches for you, or simply not dig them at all? You really have to take to heart the notion that doing the difficult, unrecognized work will ultimately make the biggest difference. Ditches aren’t always small jobs, but are rarely considered the keys to overall success. In reality those little things are often what make the biggest difference.

Are you Inspired?

Inspiration is important and takes recognizing the difference digging ditches can make in getting us to our goals. The same goes for our personal improvement. If we don’t believe that the little things and the small improvements will make a big difference, either now or over time, we will never execute our plan to improve.

Can you Execute?

To execute, we must be willing to get in the game and out of our comfort zone. It may be a dislike for change, a fear of failing, a bit of laziness or a simple lack of interest keeping us from taking that first step or that first shovel full of dirt. Whatever it is, if we don’t begin to move, we will never get anywhere other than where we already are. Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over while expecting different results. Another way of looking at this is that “inspiration without execution is still only inspiration”. So we have to be inspired to reach our goals, but we also have to believe in the benefit of ditch digging in order to execute. Then, and only then, should we expect to achieve different results than what we are getting today.

How do you Relate?

How about you? Are you willing to take the risk of getting out of your personal comfort zone, and put your back into the digging the ditches to make a positive impact? If not, perhaps it is time to examine why, and then honestly evaluate yourself and where you are. It may make just enough difference in your minute, day, or life to make the effort completely worth it.

Ask yourself these questions: Do I want to be part of something special or have a life that is special? Do I want to go all in? It may take the digging of some ditches, one shovel at a time.

Coming soon: ‘Are you willing to burn the ships?’