There is more to managing our time than organizing our lives around work. Our entire life balance is critical to our happiness and health. For workaholics like me, balancing life with work is a tough task that never stops being a challenge. I find myself working seven days a week more often than not. I grew up milking cows seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. It’s in my DNA. Don’t get me wrong – I love leisure time. Although the pleasure that I find in leisure time continuously grows as I age, I still find myself working Saturday and Sunday nearly every weekend.

Is there any hope for me? I think there is! I cherish time with friends and family, reading a good book, or even just watching a movie. I love the invigoration of pounding my way through trees and bumps on skies in the Rockies, or grinding through the foothills on my road bike. Perhaps more than anything, I crave camping in the great outdoors and hiking for hours at a time and immersing myself in a world outside of my everyday existence.

Additionally, my spiritual life is critical to my well being. I am not always the person I want to be, and when I need to be grounded and refreshed, I know where to go. Without my study and prayer life, I would be in a downward spiral that is like the wind and waves of Lake Michigan on a nasty day. I take spiritual breaks during tough days. They may last for only ten minutes and come between conference calls or meetings, but those little walkabouts make a huge difference in my life’s balance.  I also find beginning my day with prayer gets me started the right way.

You may have a different way to maintain balance in your life. It may be hunting, riding a motorcycle, studying wine, or throwing darts. Maybe it’s shopping or getting your nails done. Whatever that is for you, work cannot be the be-all and end-all for you. It will swallow you up in its insatiable appetite for mind and body. Once fully consumed by work, your personal life will suffer, and that is simply not healthy or worth the cost.

Making time to do what you love outside of work is essential to your success in everything that you do. Being refreshed will help you be more productive and energized. Both of these are essential for you to achieve life satisfaction! Try planning your Life Week as you do your Work Week. Schedule ahead and create those ‘looking forward to’ times to do what you enjoy outside of work. Talk to someone you enjoy being with and schedule a hike or walk with them in a relaxing, beautiful place. Use that gift certificate for a facial massage that you received last year for Christmas. Go into your basement or garage and pull out the bins filled with camping gear and recall the fun of sitting by a campfire after a day of exploration. Then schedule the next trip. Use some airline points and book a flight to see your children and grandchildren. Most importantly, when you make that trip don’t forget to ship your bike and pack your golf clubs!